Sunday, 22 May 2016

Were Spartans really obsessed with fighting?

Spartan culture was largely centred on the development of their military, but they were also a deeply religious and cultural people who enjoyed music, dance, poetry, art and sporting events. The city of Sparta housed prominent buildings, temples and a theatre. Spartan bronze products were of an extremely high quality and were viewed as valuable diplomatic gifts. Spartan society gave women economical power and influence and girls received a public education and engaged in sports – all things unheard of in neighbouring Greek societies in 600 BCE. Historians know of four Spartan poets whose works were praised by critics throughout the world and the Spartans were known to regularly hold popular music and dance festivals. It is impossible not to recognise the exceptional nature of Spartan military achievements, which is largely why other aspects of Spartan culture get overlooked.
However after two costly wars in the late-eighth and early-seventh century BCE, the Spartans increasingly sought diplomatic means to solve conflicts.
